Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Wish It Were Me!

Just a really quick post tonight! Today was my son Stephen's first day at The French Culinary Institute in New York City! I'm so excited for him!
These are his text books!
I am so looking forward to his homework!

Have a great night everyone!

Buon Appetito


  1. If I had the time and money, I would love to really learn French cuisine. I have dabbled with Julia Child books, several Cordon Bleu books, and I even own the 4 volume French cooking reference Larousse Gastronomique. A massive encyclopedia of cuisine originally published in 1938 in French. There are several English translations available today. It has every sauce and preparation method for classic French cuisine. It's fun just to leaf through it. I love cook books. I currently have over 50 regional Italian cook books. I envy Stephen and I wish him the very best.

  2. they have a class for the serious amateur. It's only around 10K! lol I am looking forward to Stephen coming home and sharing his days with me. Through osmosis I'm going to learn so much from him! lol
    Where do you keep all those cookbooks? I don't have the space for the few that I have!
